Child Care, Pregnancy

The Mum Ribbon Movement


The Mum Ribbon Movement

As a mother, it can be difficult to ask for help, and offering it to a stranger can be just as challenging. There are often concerns about offending or compounding feelings of inadequacy, which can leave some unsure about how to proceed. Should they offer a friendly smile and keep moving, or extend an offer of support?

In an effort to help mothers navigate these tricky situations, Anna Mathur, a Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker, has launched the “Mum Ribbon Movement.” This initiative provides a simple way for mothers to communicate their willingness to both give and receive help.

The concept is straightforward: mothers tie a ribbon onto their bag or pushchair, indicating to other parents that they are open to requests for support, whether that be a spare nappy or a compassionate conversation. Wearing the ribbon also signifies that they are approachable to other mothers who may be having a difficult day and in need of a listening ear. Anna, a mum of three, was inspired to start the movement after a tough day looking after her three children.

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 ” I was juggling three kids down the Highstreet, one was screaming and the other two lagging behind. I felt utterly depleted and was fighting back tears. I looked around me and saw strangers, other mums, families, people on their own. I wished so much that I could have turned to someone in that moment, for a kind word, a warm smile or an extra hand to distract a child. I felt like a couple of people could see me struggling but may have worried I’d feel offended if they offered to help (I know how I’ve feared thinking I’m failing, therefore hating the thought people might be judging me as I’ve struggled….so not everyone is open to help)

What if mums, and those who cared about mums (might be single people, elderly, teenagers etc) could choose to identify themselves with a bright pin/ribbon/badge on their changing bags or lapel?

This would signify ‘I’m open to your kindness. I’m open to you asking for kindness. “




As a small family-run business, we here at Rompibaby understand the daily struggles of parenting. That’s why we’re passionate about spreading the word about the amazing “Mum Ribbon Movement.”

To show our support, we’ve decided to include a ribbon with every order, encouraging new and expecting parents to join this movement of kindness and support. We believe that by banding together and offering a helping hand, we can create a community that lifts each other up, celebrates our triumphs, and supports each other through the tough times.

So, let’s all grab a ribbon and show the world that we’re here for each other. After all, we’re all in this parenting journey together!

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